
The Eyewriter from Evan Roth on Vimeo.

The Eyewriter project is an ongoing collaborative research effort to empower people who are suffering from ALS with creative technologies. The video features Tempt One.


Luke Butler @ Silverman

Punch it

MUJI & LEGO collaborate on some new toy sets. They include Legos, paper and a special hole puncher. get yours[today & tomorrow]

Once Upon a Time...

Jeanne-Claude [Denat de Guillebon] 1935-2009, died suddenly November 18, 2009 as a result of of complications due to a ruptured brain aneurysm

Christo is deeply saddened by the passing of his wife, partner and collaborator and is committed to honor the promise they made to each other many years ago: The art of Christo and Jeanne-Claude will continue.

Christo is dedicated to completing their current works in progress: Over The River, and The Mastaba, Jeanne-Claude would wish.

Christo and Jeanne-Claude met in Paris, France in November, 1958, sharing the same date of birth and have worked together for 51 years creating temporary works of art.


"For some time now, the spot in has been relatively empty aside from mud, waste and strewn garbage. There's an application to build condos on the site. It has remained undisturbed since Monday and I watered it yesterday because there hasn’t been any rain lately… Grass is pretty resilient, so it should survive and take root unless/until somebody removes it. Joe Clement assisted me with the install."
Sean Martindale with an assist from Joe Clement
[Wooster Collective]

Hearing Aids

Various WWI and WWII Airplane listening apparatuses that are meant to augment your hearing.

found at Noise for Airports


The National Portrait Gallery is exhibiting a show called "Communities" featuring, in part, the work of the late Rebecca Westcott. I recommend checking it out if you are in DC!

[National Portrait Gallery]

Golden Penny

Jack Daws made ten counterfeit pennies from gold for an art show in LA in 2007. He put one of the pennies into circulation at the airport, possibly never to see it again. Well, just last month, Jessica in Brooklyn found the penny, which is worth about a hundred dollars.

Read the full story at[Slog]


Mark Hogancamp built (builds) a 1/6th scale WWII era town in his back yard in order to recover from a brain-damaging attack. Mark populates the town he dubs "Marwencol" with dolls representing his friends & family as well as several sci-fi/fantasy characters he has developed and creates life-like photographs detailing the town's many relationships and dramas. Playing in the town and photographing the action helps Mark to recover his hand-eye coordination and deal with the psychic wounds of the attack.
[This American Life]